Choosing The Simple
During my high school experience I went through the darkest situations. I was always waking up dreading anything that came my way that day. It didn’t matter to me what happened that day I knew I wasn’t going to like it and I would definitely complain about it. One week of this attitude soon became my life style and shaped the person I was becoming. I didn’t see that back then but I am grateful a select few people around me did. These people knew what I had the potential to do and were always there as a helping hand.
Community is key to a positive mental well-being. Sometimes we are blessed with a community whether that be a family-oriented home or close friends we have had since elementary school. Other times we have to fight our way out of bed just to get ready for the day and the last thing we are focused on doing is reaching out for help.
I have always had an independent way of controlling my life so when it came time for me to ask for help, I didn’t. I planted thoughts into my brain and told myself I can accomplish this on my own. Oh, was I wrong. Anxiety, depression, stress, and so much more have this funny but gut wrenching way of holding us hostage in the dark. I hated being in the dark but I couldn’t find a way to explain to someone that the darkness was my comfort zone.
Maybe you are staying in the darkness zone today. If you find yourself being held captive, start with this thought, “Help does not show weakness, but rather a sense of courage.” Courage is not just found in winning a medal or accomplishing a big goal for all your peers to see. It is also found in taking a shower for the first time in a week or doing the dishes that have been neglected.
“The Simple” is what I live for. The small things that mostly go unnoticed hold the biggest amount of serotonin. You are not less than when going through the darkness, in fact, you are brave. Look forward to the day you can tell yourself you are now longer held captive. You can take control of the things guarding you.