Dear Reader,

First off, welcome to The Blogger’s Diary! I am so happy you are here.

I want to start off with an introduction because we are all friends here:) My name is Gracie Leigh and I can not wait to start this journey with you! I am currently in my freshman year of college and majoring in psychology. I created this blog based on the love I have for mental health and a positive mindset. Now I know that is always easier said than done, but one thing I have learned so far by entering into the real world is that it is, in fact, filled with every challenge imaginable and then some! I want to create a safe space for you as you go through challenges, changes, and just plain out life.

I know most young women dream of an stress-free life with no bills, cute clothes, and a $7 coffee in our hands that doesn’t require checking the bank account before purchasing. Well, I know I did! That was until my frontal lobe slowly developed and I realized that is not reality for most. Yes, I am keeping it real here.

Every woman is different and we are all dealt a different hand of cards. Some being challenging and others being even more challenging. Nevertheless, you are created for great things. This life is yours to own and I pray you find motivation and encouragement through these posts. Now, let’s get started!


A Life You Could Have